ABM Social Selling Success Board
This interactive board was created in collaboration between TotalEnergies and Momentum Data.

It highlights the main successes and insights from the highly effective ABM Social Selling programs run together globally since 2023 as part of TotalEnergies' demand generation strategy.
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands...
and more campaigns to follow!
We are currently running innovative campaigns together
across 5 different countries
Momentum Data got us meetings within our largest target accounts. I wish we had worked with them sooner.
-Otto Ilola, Sales Manager, Finland
Momentum Data's algorithm identifies TotalEnergies' potential key target companies and contacts, and leverages the sales reps' profiles to expand their LinkedIn networks and generate highly targeted and high-value sales opportunities.
So, how do these programs work?
TotalEnergies' highest-performing messaging
Optimize the LinkedIn profiles of the TotalEnergies sales team.
Define target audience & grow network on LinkedIn.
Send messages & follow-ups using A/B-tested best practices.
TotalEnergies' sales team takes over the pre-qualified conversations.
Hi {{FIRSTNAME}}, thanks for connecting here.

I wanted to reach out, as at TotalEnergies I am partnering with leading manufacturers in the Nordics to improve their operational performance and the safety of their employees. 

Locally we are providing a full range of lubricants combined with years of on the ground experience and knowledge on the lifecycle of key assets and critical equipment with the aim of minimising downtime and maintenance costs.

If you have a moment it would be great to have a quick chat to see if there are areas within {{company_name}} that could really benefit from our local expertise on operational efficiency. 

Would you have 15 minutes next week?

I look forward to talking soon, {{PROFILEOWNER}}
Hallo {{FIRSTNAME}}, dank voor de connectie. Ik ben {{PROFILEOWNER}}, aangenaam kennis te maken!

Ik ben benieuwd of wij wat voor elkaar kunnen betekenen. In mijn rol bij TotalEnergies merk ik dat steeds meer leidinggevenden overstappen naar Folia, zoals onze klanten IHC IQIP, Nedschroef en Burckhardt Compression. Folia is een olievrij koelsmeermiddel, dat speciaal ontworpen is om de levensduur van het vloeistofbad te verlengen, schoner en veiliger te kunnen werken en gereedschappen langer mee te laten gaan.

De veiligheid en gezondheid van jou en je team is ongetwijfeld ook een actueel punt bij {{company_name}}. 

Heb je volgende week 15 minuten de tijd om eens over de mogelijkheden te praten?

Met vriendelijke groeten, 
Hej {{FIRSTNAME}}, tak for din kontakt her på LinkedIn. Jeg har fulgt din virksomhed på bl.a. LinkedIn, og vil meget gerne lære jer bedre at kende.

Jeg kontakter dig, da jeg hos TotalEnergies arbejder med førende industrivirksomheder i Danmark med fokus på smøretekniske totalløsninger, som jeg mener også kan være relevant for jeres virksomhed.

TotalEnergies’ omfattende produktsortiment inden for smøremidler og serviceydelser kan hjælpe jeres virksomhed med energieffektivisering, rationalisering af processer og reduktion af de samlede omkostninger (TCO) i forbindelse med produktion og vedligeholde af alle former for produktionsudstyr.

Jeg vil gerne tale med dig om emnet, og jeg tror, at et kort telefonopkald ville være en god måde at starte på.

Ville du have tid til at tale i 15 minutter i den kommende uge? Jeg er meget fleksibel med hensyn til tid og sted, så lad mig vide, hvad der fungerer bedst for dig.

Tak for din tid, og jeg ser frem til at høre fra dig.
Examples of Strong LinkedIn Profiles from your Colleagues
Select the icons to view their profiles
Dikran Jessaijan
Martijn van der Steuijt
Sicco Dijkman
Robin Metz
Meet Cian, TotalEnergies' Account Manager
Enthusiastic commitment to TotalEnergies as dedicated Key Account Manager
Specialist in ABM and Social Selling
Grew up in Ireland before moving to Barcelona
Plays Gaelic Football, an Irish sport that combines rugby, football, and battle ;)
Who exactly is Momentum Data?
Founded in 2017 and based in London & Barcelona, Momentum Data is the leading ABM Social Selling program for Enterprise Marketing & Sales teams.
outreach to specific, high-value target accounts 
Non-stop assistance: dedicated Account Manager walks participants through the whole process
What makes Momentum Data's campaigns uniquely effective for TotalEnergies?
Compliant & Secure to address TotalEnergies' GDPR and data security requirements
Proprietary Tech:
AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) allows for ABM at scale
Momentum Data specializes in B2B Enterprise clients in the software, technology, and industrial sectors, working with some of the largest in the world.
Together we have noted various campaign highlights and learnings over the past year
Momentum Data's Target Account List Building service identified many new relevant companies and personas for TotalEnergies.
The TotalEnergies sales team's network has been extended by over 2,000 hand-selected target contacts so far, and counting!
The Momentum Data Social Selling program fits well with TotalEnergies' digital and innovation strategy.
Interested in learning more? 
We're ready to help.
Schedule a 20-minute meeting.